Author: cgilles
According to the Beach Reporter, Southern California home prices have soared almost 29% over the prices reported in June of 2012.In the last 12 months, the median price of a home in the six county region of Southern California increased $85,000 to $385,000 from $300,000 in June of 2012. The price gains went up 20 percent in all counties according to DataQuick. DataQuick president John Walsh was clear in saying that he did not expect the pace to persist long. Low inventories are affecting sales in many Metro areas. The California Association of Realtors is saying that the statewide inventories increased to a 2.9 month supply in June, from a 2.6 months in May. Los Angeles county had the biggest increase followed by San Bernardino County. Read More
I guess all good things must end at some point. How many of us have spent the day at the beach in Hermosa on 22nd street? Most of us long time residents have spent many a day (and nights) at 22nd street and Hermosa Avenue soaking up the sun and getting soft drinks and food and whatever we needed at the Green Store on the corner. The Beach Reporter has reported that the Green Store will close its doors for good on August 31st after being there for us for over 30 years. The store’s green facade and hand-painted signage offered groceries, wine and beer and has welcomed Hermosa Beach residents and visitors to the laid-back mom and pop beach lifestyle for more than 3 decades. The store was always filled with children buying candy, soft drinks and groceries. It has served several generations of Hermosa Beach residents. The current owners bought the store 32 years ago. The store has had declining sales and rising costs in recent years and have been loosing money in its operation. Its sad to see it go, but Hermosa Beach is changing as is all of the South Bay, an Read More
June new home sales soared across the nation to it's highest levels in 5 years according to the U.S. Commerce Department. Sales across the country rose almost 8.5% over Mays sales. Overall sales have risen 38% in the last 12 months making the biggest annual gain since January 1992. Housing sales have been instrumental in the nations economic growth and overall health. While new-home sales make up only a small portion of the market, each home built creates an average of three new jobs and spurs more spending at furniture stores, moving companies, home improvement stores, hardware and of course, helps keep the real estate business successful. To these companies you have to add escrow, title companies, appraisal companies, mortgage finance companies, landscapers and architect companies, and all the construction trade companies involved. Read More
The Redondo Beach City Council will review the final design for the waterfront revitalization project proposed by CenterCal, the city's selected developer on July 30th. The revitalization project will cost somewhere between $200M and $300M utilizing both private and public investments. The council will hear public testimony about the project, which calls for a seaside hotel, new restaurants, an opening up of the Seaside Lagoon to the ocean, a bridge over the harbor, a marketplace, open space and public art. The Council meeting is scheduled to begin at 6PM. Read More
The New Centennial Plaza in Old Torrance is Already Showing Age Now this is a real shame. The Torrance Centennial Plaza which was intended as the city's most enduring legacy of its milestone 2012 celebration is already showing wear and tear after just 10 months. This is a $180,000 El Prado Park centerpiece that includes a time capsule set for opening 99 years from now. This cost was offset by the sale of hundreds of $150 bricks etched with personalized messages. But the lettering on some is already partly obscured, and the sand separating bricks is fast eroding along with birds are leaving their own unsightly legacy behind on the plaza. Obviously the minimum maintenance on the Plaza (which is a two man crew mowing the grass) is not enough. To me it just another example of how our standards are slipping. Wouldn’t the men mowing the lawn notice how the plaza is quickly deteriorating and report it? No they just mow and close their eyes to everything else with no apparent caring or pride in our city. Anyway because it has been neglected it will now cost more money to repair. Read More
The beginning of this month we had a family with small children visit us from out of state. Of course they were here to see all of the obvious attractions which Torrance is very close to. But being a loyal resident and proponent of Torrance , I also wanted them to experience some of our own attraction. Of course we have our own Torrance Beach( known as Rats Beach to the locals), and the other famous South Bay beaches such as Redondo, Hermosa and Manhattan. Madrona Marsh But how about taking the kids on a adventure at Madrona Mash or here is the best at ride on our miniature train at Wilson Park. And after the Train ride go to the Lomita train Museum locat4d at 2137 W 250th St, Lomita, CA 90717 Read More
Manhattan Beach's City Manager Dave Carmany seemed pleased when he made the comment, "I think this is a case of the city wanting to do the right thing." Right thing about what? Well it seems that Manhattan Beach took the unusual step this week of inviting property owners to seek reimbursement for four years' worth of street-sweeping fees because of concerns that the fee might be illegal. So how does a Manhattan Beach homeowner get their reimbursement? By filling out reimbursement claim forms, available at or by calling 310-802-5000, Ext. 5570. Eventually this will cost Manhattan Beach, an estimated $1.5 million if all residents and commercial customers seek reimbursement or perhaps the better word is refund. Read More
So what does one do on Beautiful summer Saturday. Some go to the beach, some to the mall others unfortunately do house work and shopping but yesterday thousands of people congregated in an air- conditioned building to marvel at the key piece of the most expansive public works project in the history of Los Angeles. Yes it was the new 1.9 billion facility Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport. The project is not completed yet, in fact it will not be until August or September. This did not matter to the thousands that took a sneak peek at the terminal. Not only locals view the facilities, but many came from afar just for curiosity sake. Read More
Here are three new reasons why The city of Torrance is such a wonderful city to raise a family. West High School, and both Casimer and Richardson Middle Schools have earned the valued designation, California Distinguished School. Eligibility is very strict. The school must not only be high performing, but they must be meeting the needs of the individual student. These schools along with many other wonderful school in our city have met this tough criteria. Richardson Middle school Read More
W E L CO M E We were remiss in welcoming Laker’s Coach Mike and Laura D'Antoni to the Manhattan Beach community. The three-story house has five bedrooms and four-and-a-half baths and plenty of living and entertaining space, including a "huge dining room for even the biggest family gatherings, breathtaking informal living room and terrific deck," plus a 400-glass wine bar and huge wine cellar. The Mike D'Antoni' s new $6.9-million Manhattan Beach Home. Read More