Today we all understand the importance of protecting our home and families with a quality home security alarm system. Before buying a system, however, a Manhattan Beach homeowner, along with all homeowners, should talk to several good alarm companies as ask about the different types available. There are wired... Read More
Basically most condo and townhome developments will have a home owners association, or HOA, as well as some other planned single family home developments. HOAs are established to ensure that the CC&Rs are enforced and given to all of the homeowners so to maintain the quality and value of the property involved. The membership of the HOA is made up of all the homeowners who all are charged a mandatory fee. HOAs have the authority to enact and enforce certain types of rules regarding maintenance and design standards, including those established by city or county ordinances when the development was originally planned and constructed. The CC&Rs are the Covenant, Conditions and Restrictions that apply to the development and to each of the property owners who have purchased property in the particular development. When considering buying a property in any community or project that a potential buyer look into the CC&Rs and HOA operations along with their South Bay Realtor to get an idea of what costs are involved over and above the initial cost of buying the real estate property you are interested in. Read More
Making sure that your South Bay home has the right curb appeal is important when selling. One of the first things that potential buyers look at when coming to inspect your home is the garage door and the condition of the driveway. Many people paint the trim and the garage door thinking it will coverup any needed repairs or blemishes, but sharp home buyers will always look at the condition of the garage door, and the driveway. A greasy, oily driveway is a turnoff for buyers, as is broken concrete or asphalt in the driveway. Spending the time and money to update or upgrade a garage door and any problem driveway will help to sell the home faster. Read More
If you are planning to sell your South Bay home, there are some inexpensive ways to help with the curb appeal and overall presence and help that all important "first impression". When potential buyers come to see your home, the first thing they will look at is the front yard, garage, lawn and plants, trees, front porch, paint condition, driveway and walkway, windows and screens, doors condition, etc. Important and often overlooked is the condition of the garage door. Next is the driveway condition and porch condition. The lawn should be trimmed and planters neat and free of weeds or dead plants. Trees should be trimmed and leaves or needles raked up underneath each tree. The front door and screen should look perfect, porch light updated and working, steps and floor of porch need to be perfect, as well as the walkway leading to the house. Clear trash from yard and along fences and curb way. Make sure fences look good and are not needing repair or paint. Don't have screens with holes or one screen missing from a window. Have hoses rolled up or removed as well as garden tools. Following this guideline will help convince potential buyers that the inside looks as good as the outside, and makes them feel more welcome. Questions? Talk to your Realtor for more advice on making your home more appealing during the selling process. Read More
Where else can you find a beautiful beach, great surfing, scenic coastline, warm year 'round weather, unique shops, award winning schools and a diverse selection of wonderful single family homes, condos, townhomes and apartments and all located in the highly sought after South Bay? Hermosa Beach represents the best in Southern California living and the essence of the California beach lifestyle. Hermosa is located right in the middle of South Bay active living, but has the feel of a small hometown. Those activily searching for a new home can find beautiful homes ranging from affordable to upscale expensive in this popular surf town. Soft rolling hills overlooking the Pacific and across to Catalina Island, have winding, clean streets with older and newer Hermosa homes, cottages, condos and townhomes in all prices. One visit to Hermosa Beach will convince you. Read More
Beautiful homes, great surfing, excellent shopping, entertainment and overall fantastic standard of living. This is Manhattan Beach. We who live in Manhattan Beach know why we live here and are the first to brag about the reasons. Manhattan Beach is a blend of “old small town” charm and big city... Read More
Many of us in the South Bay have forgotten Aviation High School by now, and, of course the people who went to school there will never forget their old high school. Located at the corner of Manhattan Beach Blvd and Aviation Blvd, Aviation High in Redondo Beach opened in 1957. Due to budgetary constraints, the decision was made to close the school in 1982, and its students were sent to Mira Costa and Redondo Union high schools. The site is now Aviation Park, which consists of the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center, Aviation Gymnasium and Aviation Track and Field (an outdoor running facility). Read More
With all the great Football Teams in the South Bay, many of us are starting to think about the upcoming season and tailgate parties and menus. Hot dogs and hamburgers are just not enough any more. Think outside the bun and start putting together some ideas that will shock your friends when you get together for that first tail-gater in the next few weeks. Try something different, something easy to fix, easy on the pocketbook and doesn't require a lot of cooking in the truck or at home, and something everyone will love. This has always been my philosophy and I astonish people every football season when I show up with outstanding surprises that everyone just can't get enough of. Hip Hip Hooray for South Bay and Happy Tailgating !! Read More
How many of us love to walk out on the Manhattan Beach pier in the evenings and enjoy the scenes and peace and quiet? Well, the pier has quite a history as has the city of Manhattan Beach. After the first building was built in MB around 1901, two... Read More
Most people who live in the South Bay today, and even many Redondo Beach residents do not realize the role that the City of Redondo Beach played in local history and the contributions made to the economy of Southern California in the state's early days. In 1890, when the 'Hotel Redondo' opened, the city was on its way to becoming the "in place" for tourists from all over the world. Thousands of people were brought to the city by the railroads and large steamships. Redondo was the first port in Los Angeles, bringing lumber and oil in by large quatities along with the tourists. Steamers stopped at Redondo 3-4 times a week at the three piers as part of the regular runs that existed from San Francisco to San Diego. The Redondo Railway headed out for Redondo Beach from Los Angeles daily. Even the Red Electric Transit Cars started serving the city on a regular basis. The Redondo Hotel was pure class with an 18 hole golf course, tennis courts and 225 luxurious suites of rooms making this resort a favorite destination for thousands who would come to spend the holidays and many would come to spend the winters here. There were many upscale beaches, sports fishing, games, rides and a huge swimming pool nearby available for the tourists pleasure. It all started to go downhill when the Port of Los Angeles at San Pedro started its development in 1899. The Steamship Company halted their stops, but lumber continued to come in until around 1926 when the railroad pulled out. A little later, prohibition caused the quarter million dollar 'Hotel Redondo' to close it doors and in 1925 the hotel was torn down and all the lumber sold for scrap. (for $300.00) Today, still known as a tourist and resort town, Redondo Beach can boast of its beautiful piers, sports fishing and amusements, a Saltwater Lagoon reminiscent of the old swimming plunge, many upscale restaurants, luxury hotels, and a beautiful harbor. Read More