Come Celebrate Torrance HS 100 Year Celebration

The paint is still drying in some spots around campus. Getting ready for the first day of school and the big celebration happening.

Torrance High celebrates 100 Years!

School starts Thursday.

Friday starts the party as the Tartars football team seek a victory over the visiting Culver City Lancers.  Players from all eras are invited back home.

The party continues on campus on Saturday at 10 am, with food trucks, Torrance Bakery and other local businesses hosting.

7pm and its concert time with Concert of the Century.
David Pack founder of Ambrosia and his Tartar pal Fred Beato will put on a show starting at 7pm.

More information can be found at the website: 

You will get the opportunity to see every little bit of campus, from the Home Economics building and the Colonnade down to the Annex if you go to all of the exhibits. Make sure you have your walking shoes on!