Schooling During COVID

School has been an odd experience for kids from Kindergarten on up through College.

Remote computer learning has been the pivot for most local schools. And it has not always been a smooth transition. 

Nevertheless, parents and children have been flexible in adjusting to a homeschool experience. 

Many proposals for a return are being considered. Even split schedules to be able to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Seniors who play Spring sports have missed their last high school games. And this coming Fall sports and activities are in jeopardy. 

torrance hs closedSadly local Seniors will miss prom as well as have to participate in a virtual graduation.  As little grass signs adorn homes across the South Bay in order to honor this years graduating class. Our kids have missed many of their traditional celebrations that mark the end of one journey and the start of the walk into adulthood.

These are indeed unique times.