The Wall That Heals
The Wall That Heals
The Wall That Heals, the traveling Vietnam War Memorial Wall, is coming to Gardena, Ca on April 5th thru April 8th 2018. With the support of local Veterans groups and the City of Gardena, this exhibit will be open to the public 24 hours a day. Located at Mas Fukai Park – 15800 Brighton Ave, Gardena, CA 90247 and free to the public.
The Wall that Heals is dedicated to those three million Americans who serviced in the US Armed Forces in the Vietnam War and bears the names of the more than 58,000 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.
This three-quarter scale Wall replica is 375 feet long and 7.5 feet high at its tallest point. Similar to The Wall in Washington, DC,
visitors will be able to do name rubbings.
Name Rubbings at The Wall in Washington DC
Delivering a Teddy Bear Memorabilia to The Wall in Washington DC
In addition to The Wall, there is now a new educational exhibit. The Educational Center is comprised of: digital photo displays of “Hometown Heroes”; digital photo displays of those servicemen/women who returned home and later died as a result of their service; video displays about he History and Impact of The Wall and the collection of items left at The Wall in DC; educational exhibits told through items in collection; a map of Vietnam and a chronological overview of the Vietnam War.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact, City of Gardena, Recreation, Human Services, Parks & Facilities – Kelly Fujio, Director; or just sign up at The Wall That Heals – Volunteer Application